Girls Basketball

Coach: Joseph Morgan

Asst. Shayla Bonds

2024-2025 Season

Tentative Tryout date- November 13, 2024

Physical needs to be turned in prior to the tryout date as well as a concussion baseline test

Concussion baseline info:

10/9 and 10/23 will be the October test dates for anyone needing a concussion baseline test for Winter or Spring sports.  The test is after school, students needing a baseline test will need to see Coach Daniels for a permission slip in order to be able to stay after school to test on the above dates.

On the day of tests, students will remain in their 8th period class until an announcement is made for them to report to one of the health rooms.  Students need their laptops and chargers for the test.

If there's any question about whether or not your child needs a test, have your child reach out to Coach Daniels during their PE class.

Upcoming Winter Sports Information:

If your child is interested in trying out for School Basketball this winter, here's some important time-sensitive information:

-There will be a Google Form sent out to your child's school email address on Tuesday October 10th.  If your child plans on trying out, that form MUST be filled out by Friday November 8th.  The form is used by the Athletic Director to screen those trying out for academic eligibility, concussion baseline information, and to affirm a physical has been turned in.  All screening must be done in advance and no one will be allowed to fill the form out past the deadline.

-At the time of tryouts, information gathered from the form will be used to create a list of eligible students allowed to be at tryouts.  The list will be given to the coaches who will take attendance based off the list handed to them by the Athletic Director.  Anyone not on the list will be sent home without a tryout as they have not been screened for eligibility or have been found ineligible based off the three criteria.

-Tryouts for basketball will take place on November 13th, two days after the start of high school tryouts to provide 8th graders the opportunity to tryout for JV.  Any 8th grader that doesn't make the JV team will then have a full opportunity for a B-team tryout.

-Get your physicals in now to avoid any issues

-Get your concussion baseline test done now prior to tryouts (two October test dates- 10/9 and 10/23. Need a permission slip from Coach Daniels to stay after on those dates)

-Be sure to fill out the Google Form in order to get on the list to tryout (again this will be sent to your child's school email and needs to be filled out by the student)

Published on 9/20/24